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Lotus Seeds /Xiang Lian Zi (16oz/Bag)


紅皮湘蓮子 無芯 開邊 (16oz/包)






食用處理方法:1.先用水清洗一下,去除表面灰塵  2.建議煮前先浸泡1-2小時  3. 明火煲2小時左右,如用壓力鍋45-60分鐘即可。



1. 銀耳蓮子羹


2. 蓮子雪耳木瓜糖水


3. 蓮子花膠烏雞湯



Lotus Seeds /Xiang Lian Zi (16oz/Bag)

Like Lian zi, this is the mature seed of the water lily plant. The differences between Xianglianzi (lotus seed with brown inner hull) and Bailianzi (white lotus seed) are as follows:

  1. Xianglian seeds (with hull) have high protein content and a low fat content. It has delicate meat, a sweet glutinous taste, and total sugar and protein content rank first in China's three major lotus species. White lotus seed is rich in starch, protein and raffinose (a complex carbohydrate composed of glucose, fructose, and galactose.) But its nutritional content is not as good as Xianglian seed.  
  2. Both Xianglianzi and Bailianzi invigorate qi, nourish the heart and kidney, calm the mind, strengthen the spleen and stomach, etc. However, Xianglianzi focuses more on qi and blood, while Bailianzi (white lotus seed) focuses more on clearing nervous disorders. See: Dried Lian Zi: Item Number: 541216
  3. Bailianzi is used to treat lung inflammation and dry cough, women's irregular menstruation, gastritis, constipation and other diseases. Whereas Xianglianzi (with the hull) is used to clear away inflammation and detoxify, and tonify blood and qi.

The taste is sweet and astringent. 

Tradtional Indications are chronic spleen deficiency and diarrhea, kidney deficiency with nocturnal emission, chronic leukorrhea, incontinense, restlessness, panic, and insomnia. It enters the meridians of Heart, Spleen, Kidney, Stomach, Liver, and Bladder channels

Lotus Seed Recipes: 

Tremella Lotus Seed Soup 

Tremella, aka White Fungus, is cooling, moistening and nourishing. Lotus seed is astringent and improves many aspects of energy and health. 


Lotus seeds 50 grams, white fungus 30 grams, rock sugar 100 grams. 

Soak the lotus seeds and white fungus in water and rinse. Place the lotus seeds, white fungus and rock sugar into a bowl, add the appropriate amount of water, steam it in a steamer for 1 hour.

Lotus Seed Pork Belly 

Used for spleen and stomach deficiency and weak qi. It is suitable for diseases such as lack of appetite, weight loss, chronic diarrhea and edema.


1 pork belly, 40 lotus seeds, sesame oil, salt, green onion(scallion), fresh ginger, and raw garlic. 

Wash the pork belly with water. To stuff it with lotus seed: Add lotus seeds on top and fasten the meat around the seeds with thread. Put this into a pot, add water, and stew it thoroughly. When done, remove and let it cool. Cut the pork belly into slices and put them in a dish together with lotus seeds. 

The sauce: Mix sesame oil, salt, sliced green onion, fresh ginger, garlic and other seasonings with pork belly shreds and lotus seeds. It can be served alone or as a side dish with meals.

Product form

紅皮湘蓮子 無芯 開邊 (16oz/包) 蓮子有很多別名,有時叫湘蓮、湖蓮,是用其出產的地方而命名,如「湘蓮」為產於湖南、湖北的蓮子;而「湖蓮」則為產於江蘇、浙江的蓮子。湘蓮,生長在湘江下游地區,氣候濕潤、四季分明,年平均氣溫17度左右,且陽光充足雨量豐富,形成湘蓮生產的有利氣候條件。因其蛋白質含量高,脂肪含量低,煮食易爛,肉質細膩、糯香鮮甜,口感好等特色,被稱為「中國第一蓮子」。 其中,紅蓮子為未去種皮的蓮子,而白蓮子則是已去種皮的蓮子。湘蓮子用之煲湯,煲出來的湯色偏深紅色、湘蓮子營養價值高,除具有健脾益腎功效外,亦適合婦女及氣血運行不順的人士。 紅蓮子本身就富含有豐富的鈣、磷、鉀等人體所必需的微量元素以及多種維生素。而且紅蓮子能夠促進人體的吸收,增強新陳代謝,而且對於貧血腎虛也能起到很好的保護作用,比起白蓮子營養價值更高。而且無添加防腐劑或熏硫,安全食用。 在中醫藥學中,蓮子被譽為「脾之果」。蓮子性平,味甘、澀,入脾經、腎經、胃經、心經及膀胱等經脈,具補脾益胃、益腎固精、健脾止瀉、養心安神的功效。 現代醫學顯示,蓮子含高碳水化合物、蛋白質及脂肪、鈣、磷、鐵、維生素B、胡蘿蔔素等人體所需營養成分,是男女老少皆宜的養生補品。 食用處理方法:1.先用水清洗一下,去除表面灰塵  2.建議煮前先浸泡1-2小時  3. 明火煲2小時左右,如用壓力鍋45-60分鐘即可。 保存方法:請存放於陰涼乾燥處,由於無任何防腐處理,如長時間未食用,請放於冰箱保存。蓮子適合煲湯、煲粥或煲糖水。 食療食譜推介: 1. 銀耳蓮子羹 原料:蓮子50克、銀耳30克、冰糖100克、清水適量。 做法:先將蓮子、銀耳分別用清水洗净、泡發;把蓮子、銀耳撈出,連同冰糖放入燉盅内,加適量清水,入蒸籠蒸1小時左右即可。 2.... Read more

SKU: 540056/2ORIGIN: Hunan,China

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    紅皮湘蓮子 無芯 開邊 (16oz/包)






    食用處理方法:1.先用水清洗一下,去除表面灰塵  2.建議煮前先浸泡1-2小時  3. 明火煲2小時左右,如用壓力鍋45-60分鐘即可。



    1. 銀耳蓮子羹


    2. 蓮子雪耳木瓜糖水


    3. 蓮子花膠烏雞湯



    Lotus Seeds /Xiang Lian Zi (16oz/Bag)

    Like Lian zi, this is the mature seed of the water lily plant. The differences between Xianglianzi (lotus seed with brown inner hull) and Bailianzi (white lotus seed) are as follows:

    1. Xianglian seeds (with hull) have high protein content and a low fat content. It has delicate meat, a sweet glutinous taste, and total sugar and protein content rank first in China's three major lotus species. White lotus seed is rich in starch, protein and raffinose (a complex carbohydrate composed of glucose, fructose, and galactose.) But its nutritional content is not as good as Xianglian seed.  
    2. Both Xianglianzi and Bailianzi invigorate qi, nourish the heart and kidney, calm the mind, strengthen the spleen and stomach, etc. However, Xianglianzi focuses more on qi and blood, while Bailianzi (white lotus seed) focuses more on clearing nervous disorders. See: Dried Lian Zi: Item Number: 541216
    3. Bailianzi is used to treat lung inflammation and dry cough, women's irregular menstruation, gastritis, constipation and other diseases. Whereas Xianglianzi (with the hull) is used to clear away inflammation and detoxify, and tonify blood and qi.

    The taste is sweet and astringent. 

    Tradtional Indications are chronic spleen deficiency and diarrhea, kidney deficiency with nocturnal emission, chronic leukorrhea, incontinense, restlessness, panic, and insomnia. It enters the meridians of Heart, Spleen, Kidney, Stomach, Liver, and Bladder channels

    Lotus Seed Recipes: 

    Tremella Lotus Seed Soup 

    Tremella, aka White Fungus, is cooling, moistening and nourishing. Lotus seed is astringent and improves many aspects of energy and health. 


    Lotus seeds 50 grams, white fungus 30 grams, rock sugar 100 grams. 

    Soak the lotus seeds and white fungus in water and rinse. Place the lotus seeds, white fungus and rock sugar into a bowl, add the appropriate amount of water, steam it in a steamer for 1 hour.

    Lotus Seed Pork Belly 

    Used for spleen and stomach deficiency and weak qi. It is suitable for diseases such as lack of appetite, weight loss, chronic diarrhea and edema.


    1 pork belly, 40 lotus seeds, sesame oil, salt, green onion(scallion), fresh ginger, and raw garlic. 

    Wash the pork belly with water. To stuff it with lotus seed: Add lotus seeds on top and fasten the meat around the seeds with thread. Put this into a pot, add water, and stew it thoroughly. When done, remove and let it cool. Cut the pork belly into slices and put them in a dish together with lotus seeds. 

    The sauce: Mix sesame oil, salt, sliced green onion, fresh ginger, garlic and other seasonings with pork belly shreds and lotus seeds. It can be served alone or as a side dish with meals.

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