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238 products

  • 25% OFF
    American Ginseng Short-S #829 American Ginseng Short-S #829

    American Ginseng Short-S #829

    威州花旗蔘 短支S #829  花旗參屬五加科,是多年生的植物根部,長于美國東北氣候寒冷的高原,為美國著名的特產。據研究分析花旗參含有:人參,人參酸,配糖體,人參皂甙等各種對人體有益成份。花旗蔘味甘辛,性涼,有補肺降火、養胃生津的功效。凡身體出現氣陰不足、疲乏無力、肺虛久咳、咳血、肺胃津虧等現象時,適量食用花旗蔘有助病情的緩解。值得一提的是,人蔘性溫熱,燥熱體質的人服用後會出現一些身體不適的現象,但花旗蔘較性涼,服用後則無此顧慮。 American ginseng has been recommended for diabetes, chronic thirst and hunger, menopausal hot flashes, stress headaches and chronic dryness. American ginseng (Panax ginseng quinquefolius), sweet and cooling, clears internal heat (chronic inflammation,) nourishes the lungs and Yin (body fluids.) American ginseng is tonic and nourishing, has a very high health value, and is suitable for all ages and all seasons. It helps refresh internal organs and regulates the balance of physiological changes, it also improves immunity if used long-term. Our Washington Brand American Ginseng (panax quinquefolius) has been carefully selected, processed and packaged for your enjoyment from what is prized as one of the highest valued ginsengs in the world. They are 100% from Wisconsin, U.S.A. American ginseng belongs to the family of Araliaceae, and is an herbaceous perennial plant in the ivy family, commonly used as Chinese or traditional medicine. It grows on the cold plateau of the northeastern United States and is a famous specialty of the United States. According to research and analysis, American ginseng contains: ginseng, ginseng acid, glycosides, ginsenosides and other beneficial ingredients. Citi Ginseng tastes sweet and spicy, is cooling in nature, and has the effect of nourishing the lungs and reducing inflammation, nourishing the stomach and invigorating the body. Where there is insufficient qi vitality and yin (fluids) in the body, fatigue, weakness, chronic coughing, hemoptysis, and deficiency of the lungs and stomach, moderate consumption of Citi ginseng can help relieve these discomforts.  Cautions: People with chronic inflammation or fever should not use red Panax ginseng. Ginsengs and all tonics should be avoided during colds and flu. People with a “hot physique” (an inflammatory constitution) will experience some physical discomfort after taking stimulating and warming red Korean (Panax ginseng,) but Citi ginseng (American ginseng, panax quinquefolius) is colder and there is no such concern after taking it.

    $37.75 - $151.00

  • 15% OFF

    Premium American Ginseng Powder (6oz/Bottle)

    美國威斯康辛州 纯天然 6年生 花旗參粉(6oz) Washington Brand American Ginseng Powder (panax quinquefolius) has been carefully selected, processed and packaged for your enjoyment from what is prized as one of the highest valued ginsengs in the world.  Ingredients: 100% pure top grade American Ginseng (panax quinquefolius) Root from Wisconsin, U.S.A. Contains no sugar, no preservatives, no caffeine, 100% pure American ginseng.


  • Buy 1 Get 1 FREE
    box) BOGO

    American Ginseng Long-L (4oz/box) BOGO

    1 review

    永合豐 华盛顿牌 美国威州花旗参 长支L 买一赠一 American ginseng (Panax ginseng), sweet and cool, it clears inner heat, nourishes the lungs and Yin. American ginseng is tonic and nourishing, has a very high health value, suitable for all ages and all seasons. It helps refreshing, regulates the balance of physiological changes, it also improves immunity if long-term use. Our Washington Brand American Ginseng (panax quinquefolius) has been carefully selected, processed and packaged for your enjoyment from what is prized as one of the highest valued ginsengs in the world. They are 100% from Wisconsin, U.S.A.  Class : Long Size : 38-43 pcs/box 花旗參屬五加科,是多年生的植物根部,長于美國東北氣候寒冷的高原,為美國著名的特產。據研究分析花旗參含有:人參,人參酸,配糖體,人參皂甙等各種對人體有益成份。花旗蔘味甘辛,性涼,有補肺降火、養胃生津的功效。凡身體出現氣陰不足、疲乏無力、肺虛久咳、咳血、肺胃津虧等現象時,適量食用花旗蔘有助病情的緩解。 值得一提的是,人蔘性溫熱,燥熱體質的人服用後會出現一些身體不適的現象,但花旗蔘較性涼,服用後則無此顧慮。

    $67.99 - $68.99

  • Buy 1 Get 1 FREE
    box) BOGO box) BOGO

    American Ginseng Half Short (4 oz/box) BOGO

    3 reviews

    永合豐 华盛顿牌 美国威州花旗参 短支 买一赠一 American Ginseng Half Short (4 oz/box) BOGO American ginseng has been recommended for diabetes, chronic thirst and hunger, menopausal hot flashes, stress headaches, premature aging skin and chronic dryness. American ginseng (Panax ginseng quinquefolius), sweet and cooling, clears internal heat (chronic inflammation,) nourishes the lungs and Yin (body fluids.) American ginseng is tonic and nourishing, has a very high health value, and is suitable for all ages and all seasons. It helps refresh internal organs and regulates the balance of physiological changes, it also improves immunity if used long-term. Our Washington Brand American Ginseng (panax quinquefolius) has been carefully selected, processed and packaged for your enjoyment from what is prized as one of the highest valued ginsengs in the world. They are 100% from Wisconsin, U.S.A. American ginseng belongs to the family of Araliaceae, and is an herbaceous perennial plant in the ivy family, commonly used as Chinese or traditional medicine. It grows on the cold plateau of the northeastern United States and is a famous specialty of the United States. According to research and analysis, American ginseng contains: ginseng, ginseng acid, glycosides, ginsenosides and other beneficial ingredients. Citi Ginseng tastes sweet and spicy, is cooling in nature, and has the effect of nourishing the lungs and reducing inflammation, nourishing the stomach and invigorating the body. Where there is insufficient qi vitality and yin (fluids) in the body, fatigue, weakness, chronic coughing, hemoptysis, and deficiency of the lungs and stomach, moderate consumption of Citi ginseng can help relieve these discomforts.  Cautions: People with chronic inflammation or fever should not use red Panax ginseng. Ginsengs and all tonics should be avoided during colds and flu. People with a “hot physique” (an inflammatory constitution) will experience some physical discomfort after taking stimulating and warming red Korean (Panax ginseng,) but Citi ginseng (American ginseng, panax quinquefolius) is colder and there is no such concern after taking it.    

    $82.99 - $109.99

  • 15% OFF

    American Wild Ginseng Powder (4 oz/bottle)

    永合豐 華盛頓牌 美国威州 野生 花旗参粉(4 oz/瓶) 永合豐嚴格挑選頂級的美國原枝野山花旗參,並用高科技烤焙後,磨碎成粉,保持野山花旗參的原始味道與功效。 永合豐野山花旗參粉,成分百分之百全天然純正,保證不含任何人工添加物。營養素齊全、口感溫和、具補中益氣、生津止渴、清熱提神、醒腦健脾、增強活力、保持人體健康之效,男女老幼皆宜,實在是自用送禮之首選。   Wing Hop Fung Washington Brand Wisconsin American Wild Ginseng Powder (4 oz/bottle) Washington Brand American Wild Ginseng Powder (panax quinquefolius) has been carefully selected, processed and packaged for your enjoyment from what is prized as one of the highest valued ginsengs in the world. Ingredients: 100% pure top grade American Wild Ginseng (panax quinquefolius) Root. Contains no sugar, no preservatives, no caffeine. Wing Hop Fung strictly selects top quality wild American ginseng and roasts it with advanced technology, then grinds it into powder in order to maintain the original taste and efficacy of wild American ginseng. Yonghe Fengyeshan American Ginseng Powder is 100% natural and pure, guaranteed to be free of any artificial additives.  With complete nutrients and mild taste, this product nourishes qi, reduces chronic thirst, clears inflammation, helps refresh the brain, strengthens the spleen, enhances vitality and maintains vibrant health. It is suitable for men, women and children. It is really a great choice for personal gifts.


  • 40% OFF

    WHF Washington Brand American Wild Ginseng Powder (4 oz/bottle)

    4 reviews

    永合豐 华盛顿牌 美国威州 纯天然野生花旗参粉 4 oz/瓶 永合豐嚴格挑選優質的美國原枝野山花旗參,並用高科技烤焙後,磨碎成粉,保持野山花旗參的原始味道與功效。 永合豐野山花旗參粉,成分百分之百全天然純正,保證不含任何人工添加物。營養素齊全、口感溫和、具補中益氣、生津止渴、清熱提神、醒腦健脾、增強活力、保持人體健康之效,男女老幼皆宜,實在是自用送禮之首選。   WHF Washington Brand American Wild Ginseng Powder (4 oz/bottle) Ingredients: 100% pure top grade American Wild Ginseng (panax quinquefolius) Root. Contains no sugar, no preservatives, no caffeine. American ginseng has been recommended for its many health and beauty benefits, including diabetes, chronic thirst and hunger, menopausal hot flashes, stress headaches, ruddy complexion, rosacea, and chronic dryness. American ginseng (Panax ginseng quinquefolius), sweet and cooling, clears internal heat (chronic inflammation,) nourishes the lungs and Yin (body fluids.) American ginseng is tonic and nourishing, has a very high health value, and is suitable for all ages and all seasons. It helps refresh internal organs and regulates the balance of physiological changes, it also improves immunity if used long-term. Our Washington Brand American Ginseng (panax quinquefolius) has been carefully selected, processed and packaged for your enjoyment from what is prized as one of the highest valued ginsengs in the world. They are 100% from Wisconsin, U.S.A. American ginseng belongs to the family of Araliaceae, and is an herbaceous perennial plant in the ivy family, commonly used as Chinese or traditional medicine. It grows on the cold plateau of the northeastern United States and is a famous specialty of the United States. According to research and analysis, American ginseng contains: ginseng, ginseng acid, glycosides, ginsenosides and other beneficial ingredients. Citi Ginseng tastes sweet and spicy, is cooling in nature, and has the effect of nourishing the lungs and reducing inflammation, nourishing the stomach and invigorating the body. Where there is insufficient qi vitality and yin (fluids) in the body, fatigue, weakness, chronic coughing, hemoptysis, and deficiency of the lungs and stomach, moderate consumption of Citi ginseng can help relieve these discomforts.  Cautions: People with chronic inflammation or fever should not use red Panax ginseng. Ginsengs and all tonics should be avoided during colds and flu. People with a “hot physique” (an inflammatory constitution) will experience some physical discomfort after taking stimulating and warming red Korean (Panax ginseng,) but Citi ginseng (American ginseng, panax quinquefolius) is colder and there is no such concern after taking it.


  • 10% OFF
    党参 bag)

    Codonopsis pilosula /Dang Shen/Pilose Asiabell Root (8oz/bag)

    白潞党/党参(8 oz/包)  性味 甘,平。 功效 本品为桔梗科植物党参、素花党参(西党参)或川党参的干燥根。 主治脾胃虚弱,气血两亏,体倦无力,食少便溏,内热消渴,久泻,脱肛,肺虚喘咳,气短自汗,气微两亏诸证。 经脉 归脾经、肺经。 主治 补中,益气,生津,益肺。治脾胃虚弱,气血两亏,体倦无力,食少便溏,内热消渴,久泻,脱肛,肺虚喘咳,气短自汗,气微两亏诸证。 注意禁忌 有实邪者忌服。不宜与藜芦同用。 【食疗方】 1.玉竹党参粥 玉竹20g,党参30g,大米50g.先将玉竹、党参煎煮取汁,去渣后放入大米,再加适量水煮粥。每日服2次,趁热食用。 功效:益气养阴。主治气阴两虚之疲乏无力、自汗、心悸怔忡、胃纳不佳、口干、手足心热或盗汗、少寝多梦等症。感冒、腹胀纳呆者暂停用。 2.参米茶 党参30克,粟米100克。将党参、粟米分别淘洗干净,党参干燥后研碎,粟米炒熟,同置于砂锅内。加入清水1000毫升,浸渍1小时后,煎煮20分钟停火,沉淀后倒入保温瓶内,代茶饮用。 功效:补脾养胃,益气滋阴。主治脾胃虚弱、食欲不振、胃脘隐痛等。 3.归参炖母鸡 当归15克,党参15克,母鸡1只、葱、生姜、料酒、食盐各适量。将母鸡宰杀后,去毛和内脏,洗净,将当归、参放入鸡腹内,再将鸡放进砂锅,加入葱、生姜、料酒、食盐、清水各适量,再将砂锅置武火上烧沸,改用文火煨炖,直至鸡肉粑烂即成。食用时,可分餐吃肉,喝汤。 功效:补血壮体。适用于肝脾血虚之慢性肝炎和各种贫血。 4.参枣米饭 党参10克,糯米250克,白糖50克。将党参、大枣放在砂锅内,加水泡发后煎煮30分钟左右,捞出党参、大枣,药液备用。将糯米洗净,放在大瓷碗中,加水适量,蒸熟后,扣在盘中 ,将党参、大枣摆在糯米饭上,药液加白糖,煎成浓汁后浇在枣饭上即成。可作早餐食用。 功效:健脾益气。主治体虚气弱,乏力倦怠,心悸失眠,食欲不振,便溏浮肿等。 5.参芪首乌精 党参250克,黄芪250克,制何首乌200克,白糖500克。将党参、黄芪、制首乌洗净,用冷水浸透,加水适量煮沸,沸后改为文火,每半小时取一次药液,共煎3次;将3次煎液混合,去药渣,再继续用文火煎熬浓缩,到稠如膏时停火待。 6.参杞酒 党参15克,枸杞15克,米酒500毫升。将党参、枸杞子洗净,干燥后研为粗末,放入细口瓶内,加入米酒,密封瓶口,每日振摇1次,浸泡7天以上。每次服15毫升,早晚各服1次。 功效:益气补血、宁心安神。主治心脾两虚、心悸失眠、夜寐多梦、食欲不振、肢体倦怠等。 7.参芪汤 党参250克 黄芪250克 白糖500克。将党参、黄芪洗净,以冷水泡透,加水适量煎煮,每半小时取药液1次,共煎煮3次,然后合并药液。将合并的药液用文火煎熬至稠粘时停火,等浓缩液冷却后,加入白糖,使之吸净药液,混合均匀,再晒干,压碎,装入玻璃瓶。 服法:用沸水冲化后服用,每次10克,每日2次。 功效:补益肺脾之气。适用于气虚型心悸气短、食少便溏、脏器下垂、浮肿、气喘、头晕等症。   “Codonopsis seems to stimulate the central nervous system. It also seems to promote weight gain and increase endurance, as well as increase red and white blood cells counts and promote blood circulation.” (,“Codonopsis is an herb. People use the root to make medicine. Codonopsis is used to treat HIV infection and to protect cancer patients against side effects of radiation treatment.” ( the manufacturer: The taste is sweet and its nature is neutral [neither warming nor cooling] This product is the dried root of Codonopsis pilosa, Codonopsis pilosa (West Codonopsis) or Codonopsis radiata. Indications: Weakness of spleen and stomach, deficiency of both qi and blood, body fatigue, loss of appetite, loose stools, internal heat. It is used to reduce thirst, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of the anus, lung deficiency and cough, shortness of breath and spontaneous sweating, and micro-circulation deficiency. It enters the Spleen and Lung meridians. Indications: It nourishes the middle [digestive center], nourishes qi, body fluids and nourishes lung. It is used to cure spleen and stomach weakness, qi and blood deficiency, body fatigue, poor appetite, loose stools, internal heat. It reduces thirst, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of the anus, lung deficiency and cough, shortness of breath and spontaneous sweating, and micro-qi deficiency.Cautions: Since codonopsis “raises qi” for prolapsed organs, avoid use for people who are dizzy, violent, or have fever. It is not suitable for use with Veratrum (false hellebore.)Diet Therapy 1. Polygonatum odoratum , Codonopsis Porridge Ingredients:Polygonatum odoratum 20g, Codonopsis pilosula 30g, and rice 50g. First, decoct Polygonatum odoratum (Solomon’s Seal) and Codonopsis pilosula to get the juice. After removing the residue, add the rice, and add some water to cook the porridge. Eat it 2 times a day while it is hot. Efficacy: Replenishing Qi and Nourishing Yin. Indications of fatigue, weakness, spontaneous sweating, heart palpitations, poor appetite, dry mouth, hot hands, feet, and night sweats, insomnia and excessive or troubled dreaming. Suspend the use of this recipe during colds, bloating and anorexia. 2. Dang Shen Rice Tea IngredientsCodonopsis 30 grams, 100 grams of rice. Wash the Codonopsis and rice separately, grind the Codonopsis after drying, fry the rice, and put them in a casserole. Add 1000 ml of water, soak for 1 hour, decoct for 20 minutes, stop the fire, pour it into a thermos after precipitation, and drink it instead of tea. Efficacy: nourish the spleen and stomach, nourish qi and nourish yin. Indications: Weakness of the spleen and stomach, loss of appetite, and dull pain in the stomach. 3. Guishen Stewed Hen Ingredients:15 grams of Angelica (tang kuei) 15 grams of Codonopsis, 1 hen, green onions, ginger, cooking wine, and salt. After the hen is slaughtered, the hair and internal organs are removed, washed, and the angelica and ginseng are put into the belly of the chicken, and then the chicken is put into the casserole, adding the appropriate amount of green onion, ginger, cooking wine, salt, and water, and then placing the casserole on the fire. Bring to a boil and simmer until the chicken is cooked. Serve.  When eating, you can eat meat and soup in separate meals. Efficacy: nourishing blood and strengthening body. It is suitable for chronic hepatitis and various anemias of liver and spleen blood deficiency.4. Ginseng date rice Ingredients:10 grams of Codonopsis, 250 grams of glutinous rice, 50 grams of jujube date, and sugar. Cook the codonopsis and jujube for about 30 minutes, and set aside the liquid medicine for later use. Wash the glutinous rice, after steaming, add the Codonopsis and jujube pieces. Add cane sugar to the liquid medicinal solution and pour it on the jujube rice. Serve. Can be eaten for breakfast. Efficacy: invigorating the spleen and qi. Indications for physical weakness, fatigue, fatigue, palpitations, insomnia, loss of appetite, loose stools and edema.   5. Shen Qi Shou Wu Jing Ingredients:250 grams of Codonopsis, 250 grams of Astragalus, 200 grams of Polygonum multiflorum, 500 grams of sugar. Wash dangshen, astragalus, and shouwu, soak in cold water, add water to a boil, change to simmer after boiling. Drink the liquid medicine every half an hour, and decoct 3 times; mix the 3 decoctions, remove the medicine residue, and then continue to simmer and condense, and stop cooking when it becomes thick as a cream. [Use this as a tonic extract] 6. Ginseng wine Ingredients:15 grams of Codonopsis, 15 grams of wolfberry (aka goji berry), 500 ml of rice wine. Wash Codonopsis and Chinese wolfberry fruits, dry them and grind them into coarse powder, put them in a narrow-necked bottle, add rice wine, seal the mouth of the bottle, shake once a day, and steep it for more than 7 days. Take 15 ml each time, 1 time in the morning and evening. Efficacy: To replenish qi and blood, calm the mind and spirit. Indications: for deficiency of the heart and spleen, palpitations, insomnia, sleepless nights, loss of appetite, fatigue, etc. 7. Shenqi Decoction  Ingredients: Codonopsis 250 grams, Astragalus 250 grams, 500 grams of sugar. Wash Codonopsis and Astragalus, soak thoroughly in cold water, add appropriate amount of water to make a decoction. Drink some of the liquid medicine once every half an hour. Make a decoction 3 times in total, and then combine the liquid medicine batches. Simmer the combined liquid medicine until it is thick and then stop cooking. After the concentrated liquid has cooled, add sugar to absorb the liquid medicine, mix it evenly, dry, crush, and put it into a glass bottle. Dosage: Dissolve with boiling water and take it, 10 grams each time, 2 times a day. Efficacy: For replenishing the Qi of the lungs and spleen. It is suitable for symptoms such as qi deficiency, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, poor appetite, loose stools, organ prolapse, edema, wheezing, and dizziness.


  • 30% OFF
    盒)Po Sang Yuen Comb Honey

    Po Sang Yuen Comb Honey 350g

    寶生園 天然 蜂巢蜜(350克/盒) 巢蜜俗称“蜂窝”,是经蜜蜂酿制成熟并封上蜡盖的蜜脾,由蜂巢和蜂蜜两部分组成的一种成熟蜜,也称“封盖蜜”,它的营养成份和活性物质比普通蜂蜜要高得多。 蜂巢蜜具有花源的芳香、醇馥鲜美的滋味。由于巢蜜未经人为加工,不易掺杂使假和污染,较分离蜜酶值含量高,羟甲基糠醛、重金属含量低,所以是比分离蜜更高级的营养性食品。巢蜜含有丰富的生物酶、维生素、多种微量元素,同时集蜂胶,花粉,蜂蜜,幼蜂为一体,具有更好的保健治病功效,为蜜中之极品。 【蜂巢蜜和普通蜂蜜的区别】 蜂巢蜜是连蜜带巢一起食用的蜜蜂巢脾。 它不仅含天然成熟的原蜜,还含蜂蜡、生物蜂胶等天然营养成分。 食用起来甘甜爽口、蜜味香浓,长期食用还具有多种医学保健作用。 Po Sang Yuen Comb Honey (350g) Natural comb honey is collected by honey bees from longan flowers in Thailand. Honey bees use their bee wax to build the comb. They fill the comb full with longan honey and seal it with bee wax. Comb honey preserves its natural flavor for years before opening. Comb honey, commonly known as "honeycomb" is a kind of mature honey composed of honeycomb and honey. Its nutrients and active substances are much higher than ordinary honey. Honeycomb honey has the mellow, delicious taste and fragrance of its flower origin. Because comb honey has not been artificially processed, it is not easy to be adulterated and contaminated. Compared with separated honey, it has a higher enzyme value and lower content of hydroxymethyl furfural and heavy metals. Therefore, it is a more advanced nutritional food than separated honey. Comb honey is rich in biological enzymes, vitamins, and a variety of trace elements. It also integrates propolis, pollen, honey, and young bees. It has better health care and disease treatment effects and is the best product in honey.  Honeycomb honey not only contains natural mature raw honey but also contains natural nutrients such as beeswax and biological propolis. It tastes sweet, refreshing, and fragrant. Long-term consumption also has a variety of medical health effects.


  • 30% OFF
    Box) Box)

    EYS Superior Bird's Nest With Rock Sugar (6 bottles/Box)

    余仁生 上等冰糖燕窝 六瓶装  We will open up the original box of birdnest and secure the glass bottles inside with extra packing These particular birdnests are usually broken during the delivery, and so we want to make sure that they arrive safely.我們將打開燕窝的原盒,並用額外的包裝將玻璃瓶固定在裡面。這些燕窝瓶子在运输途中有机会破损,所以我們要確保它們安全到達. 适用人群: 所有年龄层日常滋补 女士每日必备的美容养颜品 准妈妈的孕期营养品 妈妈的产后营养品 病愈体弱,病后康复期的患者 成长中的孩童 年长者 余仁生上等冰糖燕窝严格选用- 优质洞燕- 完整燕条- 全天然材料 每瓶余仁生上等冰糖燕窝提供您丰富的营养成份,还您健康好气色。  成分:水、冰糖、洞燕窝 100% 纯天然 不含人工香料 不含人工色素 使用方法:即开即饮,冷热皆宜,适合所有年龄层。最佳饮用时间为临睡或晚餐后三小时。 存放指示请存放在阴凉干燥的地方,并避免阳光直接照射。开瓶后需冷藏,并于 12 小时内饮用完。 *若产品瓶盖受损或已遭破坏,请勿食用。  制造技术和品牌质量 为保证产品的质量与安全,余仁生燕窝精选优质燕窝原料并由取得 HACCP 认证的食品工厂生产制造。燕窝必须先经过一系列严格的清洗程序,以确保燕窝没有任何杂质。然后,进行高温杀菌处理,保证燕窝的安全卫生。绝不添加任何防腐剂、色素或香料,完全保留了燕窝的原始的风味和营养。 有效期:10/24/2025 Eu Yan Sang Superior Bird's Nest with Rock Sugar uses only Free Eu Yan Sang Insulation Bag with every purchase of Eu Yan Sang Bird's Nest SeriesSize/inch (9*5*7) - Genuine superior quality cave bird's nest- Complete bird nest strand- All natural ingredients Every bottle of Eu Yan Sang Superior Bird's Nest with Rock Sugar provides the perfect nourishment to put you back into the pink of health.  100% Natural No Artificial Flavouring No Artificial Colouring INGREDIENTS: Rock Sugar Solution(Water, Rock Sugar), Cave Bird's Nest Directions:Ready-to-drink and suitable for consumption by all ages and can be taken chilled or warmed.Best consumed before bedtime, at least 3 hours after dinner. StorageStore in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight. Upon opening, refrigerate and consume within 12 hours. *Do not consume the product if cap is damaged or tampered with.  Production Technology and Brand Quality To safeguard the highest level of quality & safety, Eu Yan Sang Bird's Nest is produced at HACCP certified production plant and is made from premium selected bird's nest. The bird's nest first undergo a series of stringent cleansing processes to ensure that they are completely free of impurities.  They are then hygienically sterilised by heat treatment process. No artificial preservatives, colouring or flavouring is added.  With these, the original favours and nutrients of the bird's nests would be retained. Expiration:10/24/2025


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    Premium American Ginseng Powder  BOGO (8 oz) Premium American Ginseng Powder  BOGO (8 oz)

    Premium American Ginseng Powder BOGO (8 oz)

    5 reviews

    華盛頓牌 美国威州 精选花旗参粉(8 oz/瓶)买一赠一 華盛頓品牌花旗蔘粉,以純正美國花旗參經由人工精心挑選,打粉包裝,冲飲方便,安全健康。   成份:100%純度高級花旗參,無任何人工添加劑。   American ginseng has been recommended for diabetes, chronic thirst and hunger, menopausal hot flashes, stress headaches, premature aging skin and chronic dryness. American ginseng (Panax ginseng quinquefolius) has a sweet and cooling property, which restrains internal heat (chronic inflammation), clears the lungs, and nourishes "Yin"(body fluids.)   American ginseng is tonic and nourishing, has a very high health value, and is suitable for all ages and all seasons. It helps refresh internal organs and regulates the balance of physiological changes, it also improves immunity if used long-term. Our Washington Brand American Ginseng (panax quinquefolius) has been carefully selected, processed and packaged for your enjoyment from what is prized as one of the highest valued ginsengs in the world. They are 100% from Wisconsin, U.S.A.   Ingredients: 100% pure top grade American Ginseng (panax quinquefolius) Root from Wisconsin, U.S.A. Contains no sugar, no preservatives, no caffeine.   American ginseng belongs to the family of Araliaceae, and is an herbaceous perennial plant in the ivy family, commonly used as Chinese or traditional medicine. It grows on the cold plateau of the northeastern United States and is a famous specialty of the United States. According to research and analysis, American ginseng contains: ginseng, ginseng acid, glycosides, ginsenosides and other beneficial ingredients. Citi Ginseng tastes sweet and spicy, is cooling in nature, and has the effect of nourishing the lungs and reducing inflammation, nourishing the stomach and invigorating the body. Where there is insufficient qi vitality and "Yin" (fluids) in the body, fatigue, weakness, chronic coughing, hemoptysis, and deficiency of the lungs and stomach, moderate consumption of Citi ginseng can help relieve these discomforts.    Cautions: People with chronic inflammation or fever should not use red Panax ginseng. Ginsengs and all tonics should be avoided during colds and flu. People with a “hot physique” (an inflammatory constitution) will experience some physical discomfort after taking stimulating and warming red Korean (Panax ginseng,) but Citi ginseng (American ginseng, panax quinquefolius) is colder and there is no such concern after taking it.    


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    Wu Xi Da Bu Tea

    Wu Xi Da Bu Tea

    武溪大補茶 成分:黃精、白朮、茯神、當歸、枸杞、黨參、北芪、熟地   Ingredients : Huáng jīng, Báishù, Fú shén, Dāngguī, Qǐ zi, Dǎngshēn, Běi qí, Shúdì Please consult your physician before using this product.


  • 40% OFF
    WYT Bird' s Nest Pak Fung Pills (6 balls) with 5 Sample Small Pak Fung Pills WYT Bird' s Nest Pak Fung Pills (6 balls) with 5 Sample Small Pak Fung Pills

    WYT Bird' s Nest Pak Fung Pills (6 balls) with 5 Sample Small Pak Fung Pills

    位元堂 燕窩白鳳丸  WYT Bird's Nest Pak Fung Pills (6 balls) Functions Helps to enhance vital energy, tonifies blood, nourishes the liver and tonifies the kidneys, promotes blood circulation, soothes the nerves, improves the skin texture. Ingredient Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata, Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Semen Glycines Macis Praeparata, Poria, Radix Paeoniae Alba, Fructus Lycii, Herba Taxilli, Radix Astragali Praeparata cum Melle, Radix Codonopsis Praeparata, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Herba Leonuri Praeparata, Folium Artemisiae Argyi Praeparata, Olibanum, Myrrha, Nidus Collocaliae Traditional Chinese herbs Dosage Adults, 1 ball to be taken orally daily Packaging Each box contains 6 herbal balls Remarks Use with caution or consult a physician during menstruation. Not to be used when suffering from common cold, fever or during pregnancy. This statement has not been evaluated by FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure and prevent any disease. 補品成份表                       Supplement Facts每次用量:小丸(9.5克)Serving size 1 ball(9.5g)每次用量                           Amount perserving中文名稱                           Chinese name 熟地黄                              Radix Rehmanniae Preparata山 藥                                 Rhizoma Dioscoreae當歸                                  Radix Angelicae Sinensis炒黑豆                              Semen Glycine Max茯苓                                  Poria白芍                                  Radix Paeoniae Alba 炙黨參                              Radix Codonopsis炙黃芪                              Radix Astragali川芎                                  Rhizoma Chuanxiong 製益母草                           Herba Leonuri煅艾葉                               Folium Artemisiae Argyi燕窩                                   Nidus Collocaliae*每日服量尚未定             *Daily value not established 非有效成份:蜂蜜             Inactive ingredient:Honey    



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